MDX Hello World Showcase
This page demonstrates various MDX components and syntax, including text formatting, links, lists, blockquotes, code blocks, tables, task lists, horizontal rules, math equations, and footnotes. It serves as a comprehensive guide to help you understand MDX parsing and its capabilities.
#Text Formatting
You can use italic, bold, and bold italic text.
You can also use strikethrough and inline code
Here's a link to MDX documentation.
Unordered list:
- Item 1
- Item 2
- Subitem 2.1
- Subitem 2.2
- Item 3
Ordered list:
- First item
- Second item
- Third item
This is a blockquote. It can span multiple lines.
#Code Blocks
Inline code: console.log("Hello, MDX!");
JavaScript code block:
Python code block:
Feature | Supported | Example |
Tables | Yes | This table |
Code | Yes | code |
Math | Yes | E=mc2 |
#Task Lists
- Learn MDX basics
- Master advanced MDX concepts
- Build an MDX-powered website
#Horizontal Rule
#Math Equations
Here's a sentence with a footnote.1
This page showcases various MDX components and syntax. Happy MDX parsing!
#Random Code Demo
This is the footnote content. ↩